Saturday, December 22, 2012

Margaret Thacher complete surgery cancer operation

margaret tatcher surgery cancer
Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was undergoing recovery period in the hospital. The first female head of state in Britain has just done bladder surgery.

87-year-old woman was rushed to hospital and underwent surgery earlier this week. The operation went according to expectations rose.

"This operation is running satisfactorily. Him (Thatcher) convalescing and eventually, he will come home," said one former employee of Thatcher Tim Bell, told Reuters on Saturday (22/12/2012).

Thacher also known by the nickname "Female Steel" was asked to resign from office in 1990 by his own party. Thatcher was a drag Britain at war with Argentina to fight over the Falkland Islands (Malvinas).

Besides being the pioneer of free trade, Thatcher was also a person who's very familiar with the late former President of the United States (U.S.), Ronald Reagan. During the lead government, often Thatcher privatized companies run by the British.

Lately, Thatcher also began to experience health problems. In 2001 and 2002 the past, Thatcher suffered a mild stroke that makes rare public appearances. In 2010, the woman who led the British government from 1979 to 1990 it was admitted to the hospital due to severe flu.

At Thatcher's birthday the 85th, Prime Minister David Cameron held a birthday party for Thatcher at his residence. But Thatcher could not attend due to illness.

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